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Essential Financial Modelling
1 Introduction
1.1 Part 1: Welcome (1:17)
1.1 Part 2: Introducing the Financial Modelling Handbook
1.2 Setting up your excel environment (Windows) (1:48)
1.3 The importance of keyboard shortcuts (1:52)
1.4 Introducing our Ninja modelling tools (3:17)
1.5 Ninja modelling tools: Formatting macros (2:53)
1.6 Ninja Modelling tools: Productivity macros (7:23)
1.7 Ninja Modelling Tools: Review macros (5:21)
1.8 Three ground rules for course participation (0:47)
1.9 FAQs
2 Core modelling skills
2.1 Introduction to core modelling skills
2.2 What makes models hard to read (2:24)
2.3 What makes models easy to read (1:37)
2.4 Understanding model structure (3:57)
2.5 Model structure part I: Workbook level (3:59)
2.6 Model structure part II: Worksheet level (5:45)
2.7 Model structure part III: Calculation block level (6:06)
2.8 Model structure part IV: Calculation block components (2:13)
2.9 Links Part I: When to create, when to copy (2:04)
2.10 Link Part II: How to navigate using links (2:16)
2.11 Links Part III: Why to avoid linking to a link (5:04)
2.12 How to use placeholders (5:17)
2.13 Why mark imports and exports (3:30)
2.14 The best keystroke in excel: F11 quick chart (1:12)
2.15 How to model balances (5:43)
3. Solar Investment Case study - Part I
3.1 Why we build models - the business analysis lifecycle (2:43)
3.2 Introduction to the Solar investment case study (1:04)
3.3 Being aware of our biases (2:05)
4 Timing flags
4.1 The 5 types of timing flag (2:14)
4.2 How to model each of the 5 types of timing flag (9:58)
5. How to link the financial statements
5.1 Overview (3:16)
5.2 Modelling retained cash and retained earnings (5:44)
6. Revenue and operating costs
6.1 Understanding solar power production metrics (4:17)
6.2 Solar revenue (12:10)
6.3 O&M costs (6:32)
6.4 Sign convention (6:43)
7. Non current assets and depreciation
7.1 Depreciation of non-current assets (10:26)
8. Equity financing
8.1 100% equity financing (2:50)
8.2 Profit restricted dividends (5:53)
8.2 Profit restricted dividends - student Q&A (6:25)
8.3 Equity IRR (1:16)
9. Model structure
9.1 Input sheet structure (4:39)
9.2 Output track sheet (6:31)
9.3 How to relocate inputs (5:24)
9.4 Manual vs automatic calculation? (1:48)
10. Mid course check-in
10.1 Mid course check-in & discussion (0:17)
11. Senior debt financing
11.1 Understanding debt sizing
11.2 Debt repayment profiles (7:18)
11.3 Senior debt interest payment (10:23)
11.4 Debt service cover ratio (5:12)
12. Equity premium on acquisition
12.1 IRR for co-investor - assignment
12.2 IRR for co-investor - solution (6:05)
12.3 IRR for co-investor - advanced solution
13. Tax
13.1 Understanding cash tax vs accounting tax (9:13)
13.2 Tax depreciation and thin capitalisation (13:18)
13.3 Tax loss carry forwards (6:40)
14. Advanced: Revolving credit facility
14.1 Introduction and assignment (6:53)
14.2 Revolving credit facility solution (22:32)
14.3 Revolving credit facility wrap up (2:58)
15. Other advanced / follow on topics
15.1 Debt sizing (21:47)
15.2 Breaking circularity using VBA (13:59)
15.3 Sculpting debt repayments to meet min DSCR (5:29)
15.4 Working capital assignment (5:40)
15.5 Working capital solution
15.6 Escalation assignment (4:19)
15.7 Escalation solution
15.8 Change control - introducing the change log (10:16)
15.9 Automating saving a new output set (3:22)
15.10 Detailed variance analysis (9:11)
15.11 Time based inputs - profile DSCR (11:23)
15.12 Time based inputs - senior debt forward curve (10:50)
15.13 Starting a model from scratch & customising the timeline. (7:27)
15.14 Amortising / level debt service debt repayment profile (9:03)
15.15 What to do when your balance sheet doesn't balance (8:00)
15.16 New macro tools
16. How to get your course completion certificate
Course completion questionnaire (0:39)
Bonus material
Introducing Openbox (4:17)
Modelling on Excel for Mac (9:40)
Customising macro keystrokes, formats, and calculation mode (6:47)
Modelling clinic recordings (56:59)
6.1 Understanding solar power production metrics
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